Monday, April 30, 2007


Oh this should be a fun conversation!

I have had so many phone calls from friends this week, most of them calling to vent about what hubby did or didn’t do. Or that hubby complains that they never have sex anymore. Or that my girlfriend isn’t having sex with hubby because she is so angry with him. So I started thinking. What happened to this once wonderful relationship? And it occurred to me (and I could be wrong but hey it’s just my opinion and that’s what a blog is all about right?) When they first met their spouse and they started hanging out, they did a lot of talking, they became friends, best friends, and then they got married. Then stuff like kids and jobs came along and life got busy and they started talking less and less because they had less and less time and when they did have time they would collapse in a heap on the couch.

All of a sudden you wake up one morning and wonder “what happened to my best friend?” “How do we get back to that place we were before?” “How did our conversations become and assault on the other persons ego?”

One of the biggest complaints I hear from my girlfriends is this. “I’m lonely”. Well guys the “I’m lonely” doesn’t need to exist in her life. All you have to do is remember what your relationship was like in the beginning, the countless hours you spent talking to her, asking her how she felt, what upsets her and what doesn’t, what she worries about, what makes her happy. Talk to her, listen, and don’t take everything she says personally. Same goes for the ladies too. When he tries to talk to you don’t be on the defensive. Open those doors of communication and sweep all the dust out.

Women need to be close to a man emotionally to want to have sex. There is the truth guys did you hear me? Let me say it again in case you missed it.

Women need to be close to a man emotionally to want to have sex.

So stop pointing fingers at each other and start talking like you used to, you used to enjoy that closeness. Remember?

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