Sunday, September 30, 2007

One of the ladies in my office has a lovely Zen garden filled with sand and rocks from her trip to the Azores. It really is quiet pretty but it always reminds me of a kitty litter box. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo, last week I came in armed with a stuffed cat and some tootsie rolls. I arrived well before her and put the stuffed cat and some unwrapped tootie rolls strategically placed in her zen garden. Then I went back to my desk and waited for her to arrive. She finally arrived, it was quiet at first and then I heard her giggling like crazy, and then for some unknown reason I heard her laying the blame for the prank on me!!! The nerve! lmfao!

When I got back from lunch that day someone had made a tootsie roll snake (cobra) complete with eyes and fangs and left it wrapped around the corner of my flat screen. I almsot fell of my chair laughing.