Monday, April 9, 2007

Mike & Mike

When people ask me if I have pets and I tell them that we have a dog named Worf, two cats, Murphy & Calvin, and two gold fish named Mike & Mike. I usually get stopped at the last two and am asked. "Wait a minute you have two fish named Mike?" To which I usually laugh and tell them the story of how they ended up with the same name. My wonderful, dear friend Mike, who happens to be gay, used to grace us with his presence several times a week. On one such occasion I was giving him a hard time about something and in exasperation he looked at me and said " you… you… you fish!!!!!" I laughed at him and we carried on our conversation. A few days later my daughter asked her dad if we could get some goldfish and he said sure and off they went to make their purchase. When they got home with the two fish my daughter asked what we should name them. I grinned and said "Honey why don't we name them Mike & Mike” She loved it, and so it was. That night I called Mike and told him that he had two fish named after him!

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